RapStech® Service
Grafham Carbons/Severn Trent Water/EPSRC
2000 onwards
RapStech® provides a rapid method to test the capacity of GAC and determine the optimum time for regeneration or replacement. The research started with a PhD for pre-regeneration acid treatment of GAC in 2000 and then went on to develop methods for rapid small scale column testing (RSSCT) of carbon from 2001 to 2005.
The methodology was trademarked by WatStech Ltd. in 2005 and is now provided to Grafham Carbons who offer the service as part of their carbon regeneration package. The RapStech® facility was developed further at the request of Severn Trent Water (STW).
The results have been used as a basis for STW in-house “pesticide model” that has been directly applied to extend GAC bed life, by optimising regeneration frequencies and thereby reducing OPEX costs. This has also provided confidence for prediction of compliance with the pesticide PCV.