COD Fractionation of Wastewater
Severn Trent Water Ltd
April '05 onwards
Due to tightening discharge consents and the increased cost of metal salts, biological P removal is being explored as an option at a number of WwTW. A key aspect of the bio-P process is the amenability of the wastewater, in particular the proportion of the readily biodegradable (rbCOD) fraction.
WatStech Ltd. provide a wastewater characterisation service specifically for this purpose and have been commissioned by Severn Trent Water to investigate over 35 WwTW for bio-P amenability.
Surveys have shown some WwTW do receive a suitable wastewater and WatStech have played a significant role in the subsequent stages of investigation such as P release tests and pilot plant trials. Data collected has been used in modelling of plant performance and to aid process design.